Critical Issues in the Workplace: Fostering Civility
- A certificate with 2 hours of credit will be provided upon completion of the course.
- 1.0 CMC Education Point or 1.0 MMC Advanced Education Point
- Completion of all learning assignments & assessments are required to receive IIMC credit.
- Contact Amy Brewer for more information
Our courses may qualify for other continuing education credit based on content and contact hours. Your certificate of attendance will include hours attended and can be forwarded, along with the course agenda, to your professional association or organization to verify specific requirements.
Civility is a larger factor in workplace productivity than you may be aware of! A recent survey reveals that 95% of respondents feel civility is a problem, 74% report it’s worse than a few years ago, and 70% indicate it’s reached crisis proportions. Incivility causes a reduction in productivity and an increase in absenteeism, sick time and turnover. But what is civility and why is it so important to us as public servants? Join us as presenter Trina Pulliam, a team lead and examiner for the Malcolm Baldridge Performance Excellence National Award Program, provides an overview of today’s work environment and will help leaders and staff at all levels in the organization bring back basic tenets such as respect, support and trust with actionable steps toward making civility in the workplace a priority.

Trina Pulliam, President and Chief Trainnovator of Trainnovations, Inc., has over 25 years of experience successfully developing, designing and delivering comprehensive programs for organizational brilliance in the public and private arena. She is an innovative developer of programs that have a high impact on leadership, strategy, workers’ knowledge, skills, and behaviors to maximize both organizational and workforce performance. Her focus is to build capability, capacity and sustainability for organizations of all types and sizes. Trina’s experience in a variety of businesses, industries, and government agencies has served her needs as an educator and allowed her to impact both organizations and people. Trina is a Team Lead and Examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence National Award Program.