The “4-Hour Ethics Course” meets the Legislature’s mandate that Elected Officials must have two hours of Ethics Law, one hour of Sunshine Law and one hour of Public Records training annually.
Online Training
24/7 Learning Community
Our 24/7 Online Learning Community is available whenever, wherever you're ready to learn. Access to these courses is open 24/7, and you can work on your own pace. Most of our live webinars will be made available through the 24/7 Learning Community after their live recording.

Online Courses
The “Florida Association of Special Districts 4-Hour Ethics Course” was developed in partnership with the Florida Association of Special Districts (FASD) and meets the Legislature’s mandate that special districts' officials must have four hours total of Ethics Law, Sunshine Law and Public Records training annually.
The Public Records Management Series has been designed to assist all public agency records custodians, Records Management Liaison Officers (RMLOs), management and staff better understand and meet the legal requirements to comply wit
Signature Verification is a two-hour course designed for elections volunteers, officials, and employees, including county canvassing board membe
Are your meetings out of control, lengthy, confusing? Parliamentary procedure is a useful tool for conducting meetings, assuring fairness, and completing business in an orderly manner. People who are knowledgeable about Robert’s Rules of Order can improve the quality of meetings and frequently affect the outcomes.
Incivility causes a reduction in productivity and an increase in absenteeism, sick time and turnover. But what is civility and why is it so important to us as public servants?
There has been an ever-increasing amount of national attention focusing on the issue of bullying, harassment, and incivility in the workplace. Organizations must learn how to quickly deal with issues associated with bullying so that escalation into employee illnesses, depression, and possibly violence, is less likely to happen.
Labor and employment attorney Keith L. Hammond will provide an overview of the legal duties and responsibilities of all members of the workforce, from human resources personnel, managers and supervisors, to staff members who feel victimized by, or who observe, harassing conduct.
Customer service is not a department, it is a mindset. When you combine the right mindset and skillset, providing exceptional service becomes a joy.
Workplace drama affects everyone; it raises office tension levels leading to measurable decreases in morale and productivity. Time spent on drama is time that is not being spent on the work employees are hired to do. And yet, drama is completely avoidable!
Attention management helps us add focus, mindfulness, presence and flow to our thoughts and actions. It helps us optimize our mental power by ensuring we take time to recharge as we need to. It helps us prioritize what’s most important and getting the right things done in the right moments.
Ethics training is good, but it is not enough! Leading county attorney Herb Thiele explains the Honest Services Act and the way it is used to prosecute public officials for wrongdoing.